Last night I had a Pampered Chef party. Five people -- friends and family -- came. Even though it was small, we had a lot of fun. The last few years my annual fall party has been packed, but this year it was more low key. I love their products and the recipe for mini cheeseburgers was great! Such a cute idea for a snack to have while watching a football or basketball game on TV.
My girlfriend brought over some of her daughter's clothes and shoes for Kate when she came to the party last night. Kate and I went through them today and Kate played dress up. It was way too cute!
I also bought the prettiest vintage ballerina paintings for Kate's room from this adorable woman in my neighborhood. I also got some cool vintage pyrex canisters. I'll have to take pictures and post them. You can get some cool vintage finds at her store Stinky Toes Designs. Seriously cute stuff. You should check it out!
And on the green front...Jack has had 3 this week and had 4 last week. He's doing much better. I'm so proud! And much like his father, he's getting really good at holding out the camera and taking pictures. Here's one from Monday night while we were reading books before bed.